House Sitting Secrets To Save More Money For Retirement

House sitting to save money for retirement is not usually one of the ways we are encouraged to prepare for our golden years. Initially, I thought the only way to save for retirement was in traditional retirement accounts. Saving vehicles like defined benefit plans or 401(k) plans through an employer. Oh, and also Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA).

Photo showing a man wearing a black jacket and blue jeans, walking a large black dog on a leash along a sandy beach next to blue and white ocean waves.

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However, when you are behind in saving for retirement, you must look for creative ways to increase the size of your nest egg. That is exactly what I had to do, as I did not start saving for retirement until my 50s. You might think that aggressively saving to catch up retirement accounts will leave little room for fun. Not true! You can have a great time traveling, while spending very little.

This is where house sitting comes in. My husband and I have completed over 15 house sits in five states since 2021. House sitting gave us the freedom to travel without having to pay for hotels, saving us over $13,000. We then redirected those savings to retirement accounts. Yes, you can still travel while saving more for retirement, and house sitting can help you do it! 

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Why Time Is More Important Than Money

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Picture of the author about to ring the bell to signify radiation treatment for cancer is done. The words on the wall under where the bell is mounted say "embrace today".

Money is important, especially when you don’t have any. Ask anyone who is struggling financially, and it is no surprise that money is constantly on their mind.

Ask someone who is financially set, or someone facing a terminal illness, and you may hear a different answer.

Weighing the value of money against time has been on my mind ever since learning I had breast cancer in 2022. After getting over the shock of my diagnosis and getting through treatment, I knew I would be fine.

However, I had to think long and hard about going back to work. The last thing I wanted to do after recovering from cancer was to risk getting COVID, since my work put me in the homes of my clients. How much time do I have left, anyway? Cancer made me ask myself why I was even working.

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What Is Financial Literacy And Why Is It Important For Retirement?

Learning about and improving your financial literacy is never over. There is more to learn at every stage of life, including when you are about to retire. Plus, your financial goals and priorities change over time. Improving financial literacy during the years leading up to retirement and even after you have retired is one of the key steps you can take to ensure better financial outcomes.

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18 Ways To Make Money On The Side With A Full-Time Job

Photo of a white sign with black text, which reads "Turn ideas into reality" which is exactly what you must do if you want to explore ways to make money on the side with a full-time job. Get creative!
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash.

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Looking for ways to make money on the side, even with a full-time job? Increasing income is one of the most powerful tools to help you catch up retirement savings after a late start. However, what if you’re already working full-time and do not plan to change jobs? You can still boost your income by making extra money on the side!

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Mental Health & Money: 10 Wellness Tools To Help You Improve Your Finances

Photo of electronic tablet displaying words "Mental Health Matters."
Photo by Emily Underworld on Unsplash.

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Is there a link between money and mental health? Yes, it turns out that money and mental health are closely connected. Depression and other mental health conditions can impact one’s ability to earn money, get along with others, and manage activities of daily living.

Not only can mental health affect your finances, but money (or the lack of it) impacts mental health and wellbeing, too. The connection between mental health and money can lead to a downward spiral of job loss, debt, and long-term financial and emotional instability.

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