Welcome to the Baby Boomer Super Saver blog! I'm Kathy, the Baby Boomer Super Saver, and I write about creative ways to boost retirement savings and win at personal finance. I hope my writing inspires you to take steps toward your own financial freedom.
A little about me...
I was born at the very tail end of the Baby Boomer generation. There are a lot of us Boomers, and I believe we are all in this together. Join the conversation - you will find ideas and encouragement for supercharging your retirement savings and creating your own ideal retirement!
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Photo credit HoliHo via Pixabay.
Before I started blogging just over a year ago, I had never heard of Blogmas. Some of you may have heard of Blogmas already, or maybe you’ve even participated in it. For others, it may be a completely new idea.
Let’s explore Blogmas together!
In this post I’ll explain what Blogmas is and highlight some of the holiday topics I plan to write about during December, including money saving ideas, crafting herbal gifts from the heart, and giving yourself the gift of a richer retirement.
This money mistake post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosurepage for more info.
Guatemalan Worry Dolls
A money mistake can slow retirement savings and make the path to financial freedom challenging.
It’s been 12 years since we embarked on a journey to adopt a baby. Ultimately, we did not get to bring our baby home with us. Yes, I still think of him as “our” baby. Jonathan never really belonged to us, but it felt like it for a while. His memory is forever etched in our hearts and we hope the best for him.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. – Proverbs 3:3
This post on weight loss and the path to FI contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosurepage for more info.
Weight loss seems elusive at times. The path to financial independence (FI) can also be unclear. Is it possible that the effort to lose weight and the path to FI have other similarities?
I started writing this post from high above the earth, on board a flight home after my niece’s wedding.
Yes, the wedding that I wanted to lose 10 pounds for.
Both the wedding and The Smart Fi’s Weight Loss Challenge are over. It’s time for a wrap-up to see how I did. Let’s also explore what weight loss and the path to FI have in common.
This weight loss challenge post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.
Back in February, I participated in a Plank Challenge. The idea was to do a plank exercise, holding it longer each day as strength (or resolve) increased over the month. Since I love doing yoga, I figured adding a daily plank would be no problem. Turns out, it really was a challenge for me to keep doing planks. Every. Single. Day.
The Plank Challenge was created by a blogger friend, The Smart FI. Now, he has created another health challenge. This time it’s a weight loss challenge, and I’m all in.
Do you feel like a deer in the headlights when it comes to retirement planning? Photo by Nathan Wolfe on Unsplash
This post on how to retire contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosurepage for more info.
Do you know how to retire?
We dream and plan for retirement, and save up as much money as we can. Yet once it’s time to separate from our employer, we may react like a deer frozen by an oncoming car’s headlights.
How prepared are you to get through the process of actually retiring? Are you aware of creative things you can do just prior to pulling the plug on your job that will boost your retirement income? Have you prepared for an economic downturn or recession?
As a social worker, I realize the process of retiring can be overwhelming. There are all kinds of decisions to make. You have to choose appropriate survivor benefits. Or, you may be weighing whether or not to delay claiming Social Security benefits.