Saving For Retirement: Teacher Gets A Gold Star After Starting Over

Saving for Retirement can feel like a long climb up a mountain.
Image by Free-Photo via Pixabay.

This post on saving for retirement contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Saving for retirement can be challenging at any age, but what if you haven’t even started? I think it is helpful for baby boomers to hear that it’s possible to catch up retirement savings, from others who have done it.

Learn from others who have used creativity to increase retirement savings via my interview series, Saving for Retirement: Successful Catch-Up Stories. Today I’m excited to share Elizabeth’s story . . .

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Best Waldorf Toys: A Christmas Gift Guide For 2024

Image by klimkin from Pixabay.

This Waldorf toys gift guide updated for 2024 contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Have you ever noticed that expensive toy with all the bells and whistles was played with less by your child or grandchild than the box the toy came in? Do you wonder which toys will foster the imagination? It’s usually the more open-ended toys without all the gadgets and gizmos!

Find out why Waldorf toys are the natural choice for fostering the magic of childhood. Plus, you’ll get tips on where to find the best Waldorf toys and how to save money on them. While the price of just about everything keeps going up, saving money sounds good, doesn’t it?

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Best FIRE Blogger Christmas Music Videos Ever Made!

This post about the best FIRE blogger Christmas Music Videos contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Photo of drawers full of Lego people. Lego people work well in FIRE bloggers Christmas music video.
No Lego people were harmed in the filming of these videos. Photo credit: lotsotrash via Pixabay.

What makes these FIRE blogger Christmas music videos so funny that you never want to miss one?  Well, I admit, you may need to be on the path to FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) to have come across them.  Or, if you got a late start at saving for retirement, like I did, maybe you’d have to be on the path to FI (Financial Independence) to have found them.

Whatever the case, these FIRE Blogger Christmas music videos are hilarious, and I wanted to share them with you during Blogmas.

If the characters and concepts are new to you, check out the links provided to learn more about how you can get out of debt, invest in your future, and live the life you dream of. You can even catch-up retirement savings after a late start.  It’s possible!

Continue reading “Best FIRE Blogger Christmas Music Videos Ever Made!”

Christmas Movie Favorites Guaranteed To Please

This updated Christmas Movie Favorites post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Christmas movies and popcorn make the holidays bright! Picture of red bowl, filled with popcorn, a popcorn garland, poinsetta and Christmas tree.
Photo credit: jill111 via Pixabay.

The holidays are a wonderful time to snuggle up with loved ones and watch your favorite Christmas movies.  It may be cold and dark outside, but it’s warm and inviting inside your house.  Twinkling colored lights create a festive atmosphere, and your Christmas tree smells wonderful!  Time for a cup of cocoa and a movie!

Will your favorite holiday movies match up with mine?  As a personal finance blogger, my number one choice involves a man on the brink of financial ruin, and how he overcomes his money troubles just in time for Christmas. It’s never too late to change your money story!

I’ve also included a delicious recipe for herbal popcorn seasoning! Popcorn is inexpensive to prepare, and you’ll save even more money if you borrow the movies from the library. Pop up some tasty treats, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

Continue reading “Christmas Movie Favorites Guaranteed To Please”

Homemade Lip Balm Your Friends Will Love

This post on lip balm contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Learn to make your own luxurious lip balm.
Photo credit: silviarita via Pixabay.

Lip balm that you’ve made from the heart and home is a lovely holiday gift. Your friends will think of you every time they pamper themselves with one of your luscious creations!  Lip balms are also the perfect stocking stuffer or Secret Santa gift.  It’s easy to slip a decorative tin, jar or tube of lip balm into a Christmas stocking or onto your Secret Santa’s desk at work.

Shhhhhhhhh! Keep it under cover or everyone will want one!

Just kidding! This post was part of a series on money saving ideas for the holidays, so be sure to check out the other articles. In this post, I’m sharing my favorite quick and easy recipe, along with resources for where you can purchase supplies to make inexpensive but fabulous lip balm.

Continue reading “Homemade Lip Balm Your Friends Will Love”