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Let’s connect!
Here are the best ways to keep up with me as I share creative strategies for catching-up retirement savings. Please contact me! I’d love to hear about your retirement saving concerns.
Are you worried it is too late to start saving for retirement? Perhaps you are wondering how to make extra money to boost your retirement savings. Let’s talk about it!
Grab your opportunity to be interviewed:
If you are a late-saving Baby Boomer who didn’t start saving for retirement until you were in your 50s or 60s, I’d love to interview you.
It is so helpful to share successful retirement saving catch-up stories. It encourages and shows others that it’s not too late. Many people have been able catch-up their retirement savings, even after a late start. Are you one of them? Contact me if you’d like to be interviewed!
You can contact me in the following ways:
Contact me through this site:
Join the conversation on this site by commenting on any post!
You can also contact me by email.
Contact me on Mastodon:
You’ll find me on Mastodon here:
The personal finance community is growing on Mastodon through Plutus . social and I’m excited to be a part of it! Use the link below to find me there:
Contact me on Twitter:
I’m very active on Twitter! There is a large and supportive personal finance, financial independence, and FIRE community. And quite a few of us “late to FIRE” or late-savers, focused on catching-up retirement savings.
Follow me on Twitter: @BabyBoomerSaves
Contact me at Miessence:

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