Baby Boomer Super Saver may have relationships with some of the companies mentioned on this site. This blog disclosures page is designed to provide transparency. See below for more information.

Affiliate Programs and Advertising
Some products mentioned on this blog and some links provided are affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I’ll receive a small percentage. This does not affect your price in any way.
In addition, FTC guidelines require me to inform you that I may be compensated by companies mentioned on this blog. That might be through advertising, affiliate programs, or otherwise.
For example, Personal Capital Advisors Corporation (PCAC) compensates me for new leads. Baby Boomer Super Saver is not an investment client of PCAC.

Personal Capital Advisors Corporation (“PCAC”) compensates Baby Boomer Super Saver for new leads. Baby Boomer Super Saver is not an investment client of PCAC.
References to third-party products, rates, or websites are subject to change without notice. Please do your own research before participating in any third-party offers.
Blog Disclosure
In this section, I want to stress that Baby Boomer Super Saver serves to inform and to entertain. The information provided on this site is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
The information provided is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. Therefore, please do your own research.
Privacy Policy
Baby Boomer Super Saver will never sell, rent, or share readers’ contact info.
However, I am not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of affiliate sites. If you follow links from this blog to other websites, you will need to check their privacy policies.
Photo Credits
I have taken many of the photographs on this site. Secondly, my friends and family have provided a few of the photos. Finally, some pictures are from copyright-free photo sharing sites such as Pixabay or from Unsplash and will be noted as such.
Due to my long-term affiliate relationship with Miessence, I’ve taken many of the photos of Miessence products on this site myself. However, I’ve used some photos with permission from Miessence.
Additionally, some images have been provided by other companies that I have affiliate relationships with.
Blog Disclosure Questions?
In conclusion, this blog disclosures page is designed to provide transparency. If you have questions, reach out to me through my contact page.