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Before my husband and I ever heard of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, we were drowning in debt. Scary times! Like actors in a bad horror movie, our incompetence killed every chance we had to make it out of our thirties and forties with any retirement savings at all.
In the pit of despair, we encountered an antihero. With all of his sarcasm, snark, name calling and screaming, Dave Ramsey forced us to change how we managed our money. We initially learned how to get and stay out of debt by listening to the ravings of a mad man on the radio. Dave was angry, but he wanted to help.
What happens once the horror movie is over? Dave Ramsey did help us to change our money story. We were out of debt, but had no savings. Thus began our quest to learn how to fast track retirement savings. Here are the three best FIRE books that inspired us to catch-up our retirement savings…
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