Blog Hop: 20 Questions from Eclectic Evelyn

This blog hop post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.
Photo of a baby with a laptop computer. A blog hop will broaden your blog's exposure to gain new readers.
What is a blog hop? Photo credit: Geralt via Pixabay.

What is a blog hop?

Being new to blogging, I had no idea what a blog hop was. The first time I became aware that blog hops even existed was when I discovered one over at Eclectic Evelyn’s website. Participating in a blog hop sounded like fun, though, so I decided to give it a try.

In the process I learned that a blog hop is a great way to find other interesting bloggers to follow. You get a chance to discover what you have in common with other bloggers and make new connections.

A blog hop can also be a fun strategy for promoting your own blog. If you are blogging as a creative way to catch-up retirement savings, you want more eyes on your blog. Hopefully, what you’ve written will be so entertaining that readers will check out some of your other posts, follow you, purchase your products or click on your ads to help you make money.

I know I definitely enjoyed checking out more of Eclectic Evelyn’s site! Let’s get to the blog hop Q & A . . .

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Unexpected Rewards From My First 6 Months Blogging (Blogiversary)

This post about my blogiversary contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.
Photo of fireworks to celebrate my blogiversary.
Celebrating my 6-month blogiversary! Image by lumpi via Pixabay.

It’s a Blogiversary Celebration! I’m excited to share that Baby Boomer Super Saver has successfully reached the 6-month mark. This is significant, because most new bloggers don’t stick with blogging. But for the ones who do, blogging can be a very creative way to make some extra money to help catch-up retirement savings!

It’s Baby Boomer Super Saver’s 6-month blogiversary!

As a neophyte blogger who is not very tech savvy, the learning curve has been rather steep. Yet, I am making progress and I’m very excited about the growth of this blog. The interaction with readers has been wonderful. Thank you for visiting and commenting!

The positive feedback from readers has been especially gratifying because I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface. I still have so much to learn about blogging, and so much to share about increasing wealth for retirement.

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What Is F-You Money, and What Does It Have To Do With Herbs?

This post about F-You Money contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

F-You Money and Herbs.

I learned about F-You Money at Chautauqua, a financial independence conference set in the English countryside and surrounded by herb gardens.  Five amazing speakers/bloggers shared their ideas about financial independence (FI), side hustles, and early retirement.

One of the best parts of Chautauqua was being with a group of people who get it.  People who have F-You Money.  People who understand there is more to life than working at a job (when you’d rather just spend your time puttering in the garden or playing with herbs).

If you can grow a garden, learn how to forage for wild food, become your own chef, and get to know just 10 herbs to spice up your meals and keep you out of restaurants, then you may be able to save more F-You Money!

Having F-You Money means you can play in the herb garden, or do whatever else you like. Photo of herb pesto.
Spice up homemade meals with herbs instead of eating out and you’ll be able to save more F-You Money.
Continue reading “What Is F-You Money, and What Does It Have To Do With Herbs?”

You Should Experience Chautauqua at Least Once in Your Lifetime and Here’s Why.

Photo of two cowgirls on horses. Financial Independence Chautauqua is not about horses, although you could potentially ride a horse at one.
Do I want to send you on a mountain man retreat? Not exactly.

This post about Chautauqua contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

You may be wondering, like I was, what is Chautauqua?

At first, I thought it was like a living history gathering I attended once in Wyoming, which was also called Chautauqua.  That one featured talks, music, entertaining exhibits and friendly competitions.

Sort of like a Renaissance Fair, but more of a Mountain Man Rendezvous where people dress up in buckskin clothing and wear knives and carry powder horns for their rifles.

Not what I expected to be reading about on personal finance blogs.

So just what is this other Chautauqua spoken of by personal finance bloggers and members of the Financially Independent Retire Early (FIRE) community?

Continue reading “You Should Experience Chautauqua at Least Once in Your Lifetime and Here’s Why.”