Table of Contents
Welcome To Baby Boomer Super Saver!
I’m Kathy, the Baby Boomer Super Saver, and I write about creative ways to boost retirement savings. Whether you are behind in saving for retirement, or you’re older and just getting started, I want you to know it’s not too late!
This site is for you if you’re older and worried about having enough money in retirement. We’ll be exploring strategies for catching up retirement savings after a late start. We will also hear success stories from others who have done it.
Yes, there really are people who have caught up retirement savings after a late start! Please explore Saving For Retirement: Successful Catch-Up Stories to read about them. In sharing these stories and ideas, it’s my hope that Baby Boomer Super Saver will inspire you to take steps toward financial independence.
A little about me…
Who Are Baby Boomers & Where Do I Fit In?
I was born at the very tail end of the Baby Boomer generation, which includes babies born between 1946 and 1964. As a Trailing-Edge Baby Boomer (born between 1956 and 1964) versus a Leading-Edge Baby Boomer (born between 1946 and 1955), you know what that means! I’m beginning to get closer to retirement age.
What, already?!!
Well, my official retirement age according to Social Security is still off in the distance a bit. But what if I wanted to leave my job early to just, well, enjoy life and travel?
Anyone else feel that way?
Do we really have to wait until age 65 or 67 to retire?
Retirement: A Set Age, Or A Financial Number?
Should you retire at a set age, or once you reach a financial number? Once you have enough money to support yourself without a job, you may be ready to retire!
Not too long ago, I began to wonder if my husband and I would ever have enough money to comfortably retire. You see, like many Baby Boomers, we hadn’t saved enough.
We made lots of mistakes with our money, but we finally woke up and took action. You can read more about our many blundering money mistakes and how we finally got started on the path to financial independence. If our story provides you with hope or inspiration that it’s not too late to make changes with your money, I’ll be so happy!
Let’s Connect
I started this site to connect with others who are looking for tips to increase savings, take advantage of retirement catch-up strategies, and maximize efforts to reach financial independence.
It’s possible to get maximum enjoyment in life even when living a richly frugal lifestyle to help catch up retirement savings. Richly frugal sounds contradictory, but it just means spending on things that are important to you, and cutting out the things you don’t care about.
Join me on the journey to catch up retirement savings after a late start. We’re going to explore creative ways to save money and increase investments. Along the way, I’ll also share ideas about staying healthy to enjoy retirement once you get there!

There are a lot of us who are behind in saving for retirement, and I believe we are here to connect with and help each other. Join the conversation! You will find ideas and encouragement for supercharging your retirement savings and creating your own ideal retirement.
I’m excited that you are here and look forward to your comments. When you share your thoughts with me and the rest of our community, you are a part of something big.
Please share your experiences about saving for retirement after a late start in the comments because it helps us all to win!
Question: What are your favorite retirement savings tips?
Let me know in the comments.